Vancouver, WA 98665

Category: Minimalism

Be Well. Want Less. Gain Quality.

4 Actions to Meet Your Financial Goals This Year

Last year my husband and I decided that we would pay off $20,000, on top of automatic payments, to student loans in one year. That seemed like a very aggressive goal, but looking back it was only a matter of focusing our finance priorities. We reached that goal by following the “4 Actions to Meet…
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5 Ways to Make Your Community Happier

A teacher at heart, I constantly want to be improving myself and the community around me. Author E.B White said it best “torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.”  I see progress as an obtainable and hopeful goal, constantly…
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Prioritize Time to Make and Save More Money

Any person who finds themselves abruptly with considerably less time, will notice pockets of wasted time. For me, that was when I became a mother. It was no longer my time anymore. It was time to be shared with my daughter and family. An hour long commute seemed exceedingly painful. Not getting home until after…
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Why Every Woman Should Create a Uniform

Steve Jobs, Barack Obama,  doctors, nurses, mechanics, pilots, military personnel, stay at home moms…They all have uniforms, even if they had to create it themselves. Why do you think moms wear messy buns and yoga pants every day? Because they barely have time to get dressed! They’ve automated this routine naturally. One way you can…
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Three Reasons to Consider Consignment Shopping

I never thought twice about the objects I brought into my  home or life, and barely considered consignment shopping. However, after reading about creating a sustainable capsule wardrobe, it’s as if I’m a completely different consumer. I donated and purged these 6 types of clothes, and began cultivating my own personal style. This post may…
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