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Tag: productivity

Be Well. Want Less. Gain Quality.

I Made My Phone Boring

In an attempt to “reset” and stop the incessant stream of information, opinions, and entertainment competing for my attention, I made my phone boring. Here’s what I learned.

Literally Simple

How Digital Minimalism Can Boost Happiness

This short yet informative guide will explain how digital minimalism can boost happiness levels. We are in a constant state of distraction and our mental health and happiness levels are decreasing. Take back your life with digital minimalism.

What I Learned from a Social Media Detox

What I Learned From a Social Media Detox

I was on a run, at the beach, or enjoying a s’more with my daughter and felt the need to post. A social media detox gave me the space to hit “reset.” Here is what I learned from a month long social media detox.

Want More Free Time? Try Stacking Your Life

Here at Literally Simple, we are all about TIME and learning simple ways to free up our time so that we can spend more of it with the ones we love. One huge culprit on our time is being unconscious about our schedule. Today on the blog, we get the privilege of learning how to “Stack Our Life” from Katy Lush.

Declutter Your Mind With One Simple Trick

It’s amazing how much happier your mind, body and soul become, when you let go of all the stuff. This is especially true of your mind and all the clutter up there. Let’s learn how to declutter your mind with one simple trick in this helpful guide for busy women.

What I’ve Learned One Year into Minimalism

Taking a quick break from this month’s topic on finances and “Make More Money May” to reflect on what I’ve learned one year into minimalism. My birthday (today!) marks the one year anniversary on a promise I made to myself to consume less. Consuming less involved less social media, news media, T.V., food products, cosmetics,…
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