How to Read More Books

Trying to read more books this year? Take some advice from a reading teacher and book nerd! I typically read about 30-50 books a year, while working full time, being a mom, and writing this blog. I’ll share with you some of my best tips for becoming a better reader, and motivation to help you finish that great American novel this year!

You Do Have Time
Think of everything as a trade off an idea taken from the book Essentialism by Greg McKeown. If You’re not spending time watching T.V., playing video games, or scrolling through Instagram, then you have more time to spend reading. The truth is if you really like to read, and you find it extremely beneficial, so you will make time for it. I make time for it above a lot of other things, sometimes casual conversation. 😉
The average American spends 5 hours watching T.V. Yikes! If you just decide to not watch T.V., or you decide to only watch one hour, you’d have more time than the average American. Do you have a long commute? If so, instead of the radio you could be listening to your favorite audiobook. Speaking truthfully, you do have time, even if you’re a parent, even if you’re a CEO, even if you’re a teacher. You have time if you prioritize it.
Think deeply about why you want to read more books. You’ll need to find motivation of substance. Perhaps you want to learn a new skill, have more empathy, learn about your heritage, be a great role model for your children, focus your attention, improve yourself… These would be great reasons to get started!
The Brain is a Muscle
Another reason people tell me they don’t read is because it’s too boring, or they can’t focus. It does take a bit of mental toughness to focus your attention. Think about why you are bored. If it’s not an interesting book, then stop reading it! If you can’t focus long enough to finish a book, just read for a few a minutes before you go to sleep and slowly increase the time. Your brain is a muscle and focused attention just needs to be practiced. It’s just like exercising your body. Initially it may be difficult, but as you continually practice it will get easier.
It’s Worth It
Reading can actually help you be more mindful. Every time you read you are focusing your attention on the task at hand. Being mindful can positively affect you in many other areas of your life like parenting, productivity, healthy eating, stress relief, relationships etc. The habit of reading is probably the single most important habit I’ve mastered through the years. It keeps me continually growing intellectually. I don’t need classes, courses, or teachers to learn and grow. I just need a good book.
How to Read More Books

I shouldn’t act all high and mighty like I’ve been reading 50 books a year for the last 30 years of my life. There were times that I didn’t have time or mental energy to read, like my first year teaching, or when I was a new mom. I was so exhausted and overwhelmed reading for pleasure sounded so far from what I wanted to do with my spare time, if I had any.
However, if you’re someone who just wants to get back in the habit of reading more books, here are a few tips that may help you get started!
1.Read Interesting Books
If you want to read more books, only read books that interest you. Don’t open up The Great Gatsby because you never finished it in high school. Instead, pick something that engages you from the start. I sometimes am embarrassed to admit, but I read a ton of personal development books. The truth is I read them because I’m really into becoming the best version of myself. I don’t have to justify this to anyone and neither do you. You can read what you want to read, because you find it interesting. That’s it.
2.Limit Screen Time
If you’re not watching T.V., you might read more books. It’s easy to get lost on your phone on social media or a T.V. series. Try to remain conscious of the time spent in front of a screen, it might actually be more relaxing to read a book. It’s one of those trade offs. Limit the time you spend watching T.V. so that you can spend more time reading a good book, engaging your mind, and thinking critically.
3. Listen to Audio Books

You could be listening to a book while running, cooking, cleaning, or driving. I no longer listen to music when I run, I listen to my current audio book. The downside of an audio book is that you can’t go back and “re-read” a section for clarification. I’ve found that “heavy” reads are best as a book, and the fun “light” fiction or nonfiction reads work best for audio.
4.Create Reading Habits
Read more books right before you go to sleep. This is an exceptionally better habit than scrolling through your phone or watching T.V., as screen time late at night can affect how well you sleep. Who cares if you open up your book and fall asleep within 5 minutes? At least you’re going to sleep!
5.Keep Books on Hand
Read more books by always having books close. Here are several ideas:
- As soon as you think of a book you’d like to read, add it to your list. I keep a running “want to read” list on Goodreads. You’ll always have a few book title ideas when you’re at the library or at a fantastic book store like Powell’s!
- Put books on hold immediately. About two years ago I decided to stop buying books, and so I utilize our library for all the books I want to read. When I get a book recommendation I put it on hold at the library. My daughter and I go to the library at least once a week, so I always have a supply of books I want to read at home or waiting for me to pick up.
- Carry books wherever you go. I’m that gal that brings a book to a party. I’m not saying to be a recluse. However, when you’re at the doctor’s office, waiting for a friend, sitting at a red light (JK! Don’t do that!) having a book with you utilizes the wasted time.
6.Find a Community

Read more books by cultivating positive peer pressure! Join or create a book club. I have in the past and it was a great community of people who liked to read and discuss. You can seek these communities out online as well. Ask what other people are reading, or follow celebrity book lists like Joe Rogan or Oprah. I also love using Goodread because you can see what all of your friends are reading and get recommendations. Speaking of, you should friend me.
7.Enjoy Reading as Self-Care
Read more books, by prioritizing self-care. Reading to me falls into the category of self-care. I do it to relax and hone in on some of life’s most essential questions. Find a book that does this for you.
Final Advice

One final word of advice, for many it is just a matter of finding that exact book match. Continually search for a book you’d like to read. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t find any initially. Keep trying. Think about what movies you enjoy and try to find books in that genre. You will find something, and then you’ll read everything by that author and you’ll have a better idea of what to look for next time.
Wishing you the best of luck on your quest for finding the perfect book and reading more books this year!
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Maria Halcumb is a teacher, reading specialist, and mother. You can find her reading books, being in nature, minimizing her life, and spending time with family and friends in the great PNW. If you want to learn more about Maria or Sara, check out the About page.
20 Responses
Loved the advice! Especially from someone who LOVES to read!
Whoo hoo! #booknerd 🙂
Love this article, as a mum of two little ones I find it really hard to read at the moment. Barely finding time for me but I try and sneak in at least half an hour here and there of reading! It really helps me to relax and just focus on the book instead of all the things I need to do the next day.
Totally, it’s forced mindfulness with a sprinkle of self-care. 🙂 You owe it to yourself.
I love to use the library to put the books I want to read on hold. This saves me the time of looking them up myself. In addition, if there is an audiobook version available, I know immediately and can get through many more books this way.
Yup! I love my library! I can get audio books sent to me without even going to the library. I mean… Convenience!
For some reason I just haven’t gotten into the audio book thing, but I think I’m really missing out. I am always looking at things to listen to while I do mundane things like chores and end up turning to youtube (which I really don’t enjoy). Maybe it’s high time I give these audio books a try and then I’ll get my books in– just always felt like listening to a book was cheating. Gotta change my mindset.
No… It’s most definitely not cheating! Coming straight from an English teacher herself. The reason I think audio books are a step up from Youtube (I watch Youtube videos too – Love Oprah’s Super Soul videos), is because even though it’s someone’s voice recording, each word has been precisely chosen. I just think audio books are a little more planned than Youtube or podcasts etc.
I’m glad you put ‘creating the habit’ on the list! I grew up seeing my parents constantly reading and it definitely set an example for me which is so important to think about now that I’m a parent.
While my husband and I have busy days (and a baby!), something we have built into our evening routine is reading out loud to one another before bed. This habit has not only opened us up to more books, but it’s allowed us to spend quality time together.
Going to pin this! 🙂
Wow! That’s an amazing habit to create for your marriage. I’m so impressed! As our little one gets older I want her to see us reading in front of her as well. 🙂
Reading is part of my morning routine. I make sure to read something motivational before I hit the shower. Even for just 10-15 minutes. I think this sets a positive tone to my day.
That’s a really good idea. I read a lot of personal development type books, and love the ones that inspire me. Great morning routine!
I love to read! I wake up early everyday to give me time for myself and often I choose to read.
Ohhh…. I’m so glad I started following your blog. I think we’ll be friends! I wake up for “me time” too. So great for the soul. Thanks for the comment!
Love this!!!
Gee thanks! 🙂
I don’t have much time for reading these days, it’s been like that for a while working multiple jobs and stuff, but now with baby I don’t… However, I do listen to audio books A LOT. On my commute, when I’m working around the house, etc. I love it!
YASS! I love my audio books! 🙂
I love reading it’s my favorite pass time but I need to find more time! I will keep your tips handy!
Audio books have helped me make more time for reading! 🙂