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Natural Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Natural Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Natural Ways to Fall Asleep Faster(Last Updated On: )

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Literally Simple
Natural Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Ahhh, sleep. We all love to sleep and rest in our cozy beds, especially as we enjoy our simple summer. Yet for some people, falling asleep is not that easy. One of the biggest health issues I see as a nurse, is lack of sleep in my patients and the health consequences that follow. If you struggle to fall asleep at night or struggle to get a restful nights sleep more often than not, read on my friends. In this informative guide, I’ll give you some natural ways to fall asleep faster.

Consequences of too little sleep:

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a third of US adults report that they usually get less than the recommended amount of sleep (which is 7-9 hours per night). Nearly 40 percent of US adults reported falling asleep during the day without meaning to at least once a month. Also, an estimated 50 to 70 million Americans have chronic (ongoing) sleep disorders.

Sleep deprivation is an epidemic in this day and age. Everyone has so much they try to cram into the day, and we end up sacrificing our sleep in order to accomplish everything. From busy work schedules and deadlines, to helping the kids with their homework, to household work, to binge watching our favorite Netflix series (guilty)… we are leaving fewer and fewer hours just for sleep and rest. Not to mention the fact that our electronic devices are literally sitting next to our bed ringing notifications in our ear all hours of the night.

In an article published out of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, sleep deficiency is linked to many chronic health problems such as: heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke, obesity, and depression.

In an effort to get more quality sleep myself, I have recently changed a few things I do before bed.

Natural Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

These natural ways to fall asleep faster are essential to getting enough restful sleep at night. No more tossing and turning with these easy sleep remedies. #sleep #deepsleep #naturalsleep #fallasleep #sleeptips
Natural Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Remove the Electronics

Natural Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post, the founder and CEO of Thrive Global, and the author of fifteen books, talks a lot about sleep. After she collapsed at her desk from exhaustion in 2007, she had a literal “wake up call”.  She has since written a book called, “The Sleep Revolution” and has made it her mission to help others get more sleep.

One great bit of advice she does every night, is “escorting” her electronic devices out of her bedroom about 30 minutes before she goes to sleep. She charges her phone outside of her bedroom, what a revolutionary idea, right? Actually, not.

Only until recently in our culture have smartphones been in our face from sunup to sundown. And it makes it especially unhealthy if you work from home where your workspace can literally be on your bed. You are basically “always on”. There is no recharge or reset. This makes falling asleep even more difficult.

Instead, go out and buy an “old-fashioned” alarm clock to wake up to in the morning. If you need your phone at night-time because you are caretaker of a family member (teenager who drives, older parent, etc.), just put the phone in another area of the bedroom instead of right next to your head. That way you can still get emergency phone calls, but the phone isn’t right next to you.

Calming Magnesium Lotion

I recently connected with a fellow mom blogger named Marisa who makes her own line of sustainable, organic skincare products. She lives in Colorado now, but grew up in the PNW very close to where we live, which I find synchronistic because I didn’t find this out until after we connected.

Her company is Bumblebee Apothecary and I have been using her “sweet sleep” magnesium lotion as a natural way to fall asleep faster. The magnesium oil in the lotion is from the ancient Zechstein Seabed in the Netherlands… sounds kind of exotic, right? The lotion is also made with extra virgin olive oil, shea butter, beeswax, and therapeutic grade oils. All certified organic and nontoxic ingredients.

I have the lotion right by my bed on my nightstand. Every night, I apply a small amount to my hands, arms, neck and shoulders. I don’t put in on my face because I have already done my simple nightly skin care routine, which you can find HERE. The lotion helped me to fall asleep in a matter of MINIUTES! I also didn’t wake up all night. It was amazing, I slept like a log.

Did you know?

You can increase your healthy magnesium levels through transdermal magnesium therapy such as applying the lotion that Marisa makes? Restoring magnesium levels works wonders for sleep, relieving anxiety, headaches, muscle cramps, and sore muscles.

You can get the sweet sleep magnesium lotion and many other organic handmade skincare products at her online shop at THIS LINK. I highly recommend checking out her online shop. She makes so many great organic and sustainable products. From toxic free deodorant, to organic and natural sunscreen, to masks, soaps, lip balms and even toxic free bug spray.

Also check out her website HERE for information on her organic mom and baby products, her knowledge on the GAPS diet, and you can also read her health and wellness blog.

Create a Soothing Space

Natural Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Your bedroom should be a space of calm and tranquility. Clear out your clutter, put your clothes away in dressers or the closet, and pick up the mess. If you need help with decluttering your closet, I recommend reading an article HERE on ways to declutter your closet by Maria.

Not only should your room look and feel calm and tranquil, but it should also smell relaxing and soothing. How do you accomplish this? Candles are super relaxing and leave a great smell in your room. Choose a light fragrance that isn’t too overpowering like vanilla or lavender.  

Essential Oil Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is such a great way to fall asleep faster and get your room smelling amazing. Using an essential oil in your bedroom diffusor is the perfect way to relax and set a calming mood. I get my certified organic and nontoxic oils from my good friend Jenna Grace. I use a Peace and Calming blend in my diffuser that I love to use for falling asleep. It is a gentle and sweet blend of Ylang Ylang, orange, tangerine, patchouli, and blue tansy. Jenna recommends a sleepy time blend for the diffuser of: peace and calming, release, and vetiver. Follow her Instagram page HERE where you can find all of these relaxing oils to purchase for your home at the link in her bio.

Some people apply the Peace and Calming oil to the bottoms of their feet as part of their relaxing bedtime routine. The choice is yours. Another option is to add 4-5 drops of oils to 1 cup of Epsom salts for a centering bath at the end of a long day. Bubble baths infused with oils and Epsom salts (which is literally magnesium) and some calming music, is the perfect way to fall asleep faster.

A nursing note on oils, salts and lotions: use caution if you are pregnant or have any medical conditions or allergies. Consult your medical provider for any health-related questions.

Final words

Be Well – Want Less – Gain Quality

By just making these few changes, you are on your way to falling asleep faster and staying asleep for those 7-9 dreamy hours. You owe it to yourself to properly rest after a busy day. After all, if you want to be productive and efficient while awake, there is no amount of coffee or energy drinks that will give you that. The only thing that is going to give you natural energy to burn, is enough restful sleep every night.

P.S. We always ask readers to follow us on InstagramPinterest and Facebook. We consciously try to document our everyday simple lives with wellness, financial literacy, and minimalism tips. If you’re trying to cut out social media, you’ll need to subscribe directly to this blog. We welcome you to join us!

Join the Discussion

Tell me your sleep routines, tips and tricks for falling asleep faster.

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Sara Halcumb is a Registered Nurse, wellness blogger, mother and wife.


Literally Simple- Natural Ways to Fall Asleep Faster


21 Responses

  1. Julie says:

    Thank you for sharing these great ideas. I can incorporate ALL of these!! The magnesium lotion sounds wonderful. I haven’t heard of this before. I take magnesium glycinate which helps me fall asleep. But I am interested in trying the lotion. And.. I really need to declutter!

  2. I need to try these! I have a hard time falling asleep. It’s so irritating when everyone in the house is asleep besides you, but you can’t fall asleep!

  3. lifewithkatlyn says:

    I love essential oils!! I also found CBD oil to be very helpful.

  4. Cindy says:

    Excellent post! And funny enough, I had just applied magnesium lotion before reading your post. I just started using it a few days ago and love it.

  5. Patricia Chamberlain says:

    We have used essential oils for my toddler in the past to help with her sleep, but I’ve never tried it myself. These are great suggestions.

  6. Jessica Ballard says:

    I absolutely needed this right now! Thank you for the great tips, I will definitely be utilizing them!

  7. mommyjheng says:

    This are all great tips! I used oils with menthol scent to make feel relaxed.

  8. Lorena | says:

    Great tips to fall asleep faster. I definitely need to get better at putting the screen down…as I’m on the screen at 12:30 AM haha.

  9. These are all good sleep tips. Now to incorporate them!

  10. Whitney says:

    I need to do this but it’s so hard at night, it’s my only time to get things done after the kids go to bed so I’m up late staring at my phone.

  11. Wbitney says:

    I will definitely try this!! Thank you!

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