5 Reasons Why Women Should Be Minimalists

Women have never lived in a more opportune time to embrace minimalism, especially in America where it seems our cultural tendency is to make more money to consume more things. What if one makes more money to have more time and freedom? Sounds good, right? This epiphany has shown itself to me repeatedly throughout my life and why I believe that women would benefit from a minimalist lifestyle.
A Simple Diet
A few years ago, I wasn’t even aware of the term “minimalism,” but I realized I could simply not buy processed foods. This seems so obvious, but if I didn’t buy it, I usually wouldn’t eat it. I’ve written about some tips for eating more whole foods here. For example, it was refusing to buy breakfast cereals because most are heavily processed. Among other items I refused to buy or have reduced were dairy, meat, and processed foods. It made eating – a simple, healthy, and rewarding experience, and no willpower required.
A Simple Wardrobe
While I was pregnant, and was wearing a smaller selection of maternity clothes, I realized that I could probably use a dose of “minimalism” in my closet. I found this concept called a capsule wardrobe. The freedom I found with this concept was enlightening. I had been keeping clothes that were not flattering, forcing myself to look at them daily in my closet, never wearing them, all the while purchasing more clothes that were worn for a few months and then forgotten. Not only was this very wasteful, but I dreaded choosing what to wear each day. I found I only wore a small number of clothing items most of the time. Instead, I gave away or donated the clothes I rarely wore, and simplified my wardrobe with neutral colors that were flattering.
Simple Media Consumption
The next time this lesson presented itself was during our nation’s recent tumultuous political campaign. Political ideals aside, I had overdosed on following the candidates. One of the candidates had even entered my dreams! It was too much. I was aware that it was causing me real stress to be so involved, so I cut out watching or reading the news every day, and I substituted that time with real in-person local community involvement. I also wrote a post on how to consume media without feeling overwhelmed here.
By this time, minimalism had infiltrated my entire life. I realized I needed less cleaning products, cosmetics, clothes, food items, DVD’s, books etc. It has created the most fulfilling and introspective year of my life. It has provided me the tools to become laser focused on items, passions, ideals that I really value, and to let go of the rest. From this year, I compiled a simple list of top 5 reasons why women should be minimalists.
Top 5 Reasons Women Should be Minimalists

Women Should be Minimalists because…
It Supports Positive Self-Worth
Women are essentially bombarded by advertisements to buy beauty products when they first begin watching T.V. Author Jean Kilbourne, famous for the documentary Killing Us Softly, explains that “the average American encounters 3,000 advertisements every day, and spends a total of two years watching TV commercials in their lifetime…At the center of many of these ads is an image of idealized female beauty. Models are tall, slim, and light skinned, and digitally altered to ever-more unrealistic proportions” (Roeder). What if all women already knew they were beautiful and didn’t need a product? It would almost be an act of rebellion to slow down consumption. I must say though, I do love a red lipstick, so I have two, not ten.
Women Should be Minimalists because…
It Forces You to Prioritize
I’m not going to make the generalization that women tend to please people, but speaking from my own experience I sometimes fall in this category. Saying “no” to items on a regular basis, makes it easier to say “no” to time commitments, people, or work obligations. It shows you that by saying “no” you can say “YES!” to commitments that you are passionate about. This is just one more reason women should be minimalists.
Women Should be Minimalists because…
You Create More by Consuming Less
During this past year, I consciously consumed less things, media, food products etc. That’s a lot of time and freedom I had to focus on a lifelong goal I’ve always wanted to pursue – becoming a writer and business owner. With the time I saved not consuming, I created a website, started a business, wrote blogs, researched, and read a lot of books on the subject. The average American spends 5 hours watching TV. This time is often spent receiving messages on what to buy. What if women instead used that time to create? I can think of a much bleaker world without the creatives like J.K Rowling, Coco Chanel, Harper Lee, and Maya Angelou. Consuming is passive; creating is active.
Women Should be Minimalists because…
It Creates Financial Freedom
If one lives with less, one can invest more. If you have more money, you have more freedom to do as you please. It’s really that simple. Buy less stuff, and invest more money to create passive income. It’s not sexy, but if freedom is what you’re really after, investing more is your most direct path. It’s no surprise I found myself adapting minimalism into our finances because we’re swamped in student debt. We aim to pay off as much as we can as fast as we can. Buying stuff won’t lead us to financial freedom, but paying off our debt will.
Women Should be Minimalists because…
Minimalism Accentuates Uniqueness
The status quo is to buy with each temptation, stop at the fast food restaurant instead of preparing a meal at home, or start your day with a super mocha frappuccino. It’s unique to think thoughtfully about your actions. It’s unique to be a minimalist.
Join my Journey

As I shared some personal experiences and my history with the concept of minimalism, I hope it has left one contemplating where minimalism might fit in one’s own life. In our pursuit to “have it all” we are over committing, spending too much and saving too little, neglecting self-care, and sprinting the treadmill of life. Shouldn’t our priority be to enjoy the journey?
As I was creating my website and focusing in on my main message I’d like to convey, it became obvious. The gift I could inspire the world with is the idea that simplicity is freedom, and freedom is really what we’re all after. I’m just beginning this journey. I haven’t boxed up all my material possessions, but my awareness of the objects, people, and thoughts I bring into my life directs my focus, and that focus is now literally simple.
Join the Discussion
What have you done to create more and consume less this year?
P.S. We always ask readers to follow us on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. We consciously try to document our everyday simple lives with wellness, financial literacy, and minimalism tips. If you’re trying to cut out social media, you’ll need to subscribe directly to this blog. We welcome you to join us!

Maria Halcumb is a teacher, reading specialist, and mother. You can find her reading books, being in nature, minimizing her life, and spending time with family and friends in the great PNW or Northern MN. If you want to learn more about Maria, check out the About page.
Roeder, Amy “Advertising’s Toxic Effect on Eating and Body Image.” News, 18 Mar. 2015, www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/advertisings-toxic-effect-on-eating-and-body-image/.
3 Responses
Although a hard thing for me, I agree with this 1,000%
Yes! It’s a challenge for me as well, but so worth it in the end. Thanks for stopping by Elle!
Such a pertinent topic. Great article Maria!